On the same page|達成共識

(get)On the same page 訊息一致(共識)

* on the same page = If people are on the same page, they have the same information and are thinking the same way.


In business meetings and college classes people often make copies of a single report and hand a copy to each person at the meeting. While they discuss the different points in the report, each person needs to be reading from the same page (”on the same page”). 


Everyone is “on the same page” when they are all following along and understanding the basic idea that the group is sharing.

we need to make sure we all stay on the same page and communicate needs and issues.  

On the same page” has a further meaning of people being in basic understanding and agreement on something


Before we make any decisions today, I’d like to make sure that everyone is on the same page.” People are “on the same page” 

when they look at a problem or a situation in the same way and agree on a course of action


Each of us has been busy with his own projects lately, so I called this meeting today to bring us all together on the same page.”

In order to make progress we need to make sure that everyone is on the same page.

We have gotten everyone on the same page through consensus building.

He tries to do more with less, has trouble keeping everyone on the same page, and is challenged by a constantly changing competitive environment.


get on the same page

Example 1:

General A: We need to talk about our attack plan, let’s get on the same page.
將軍A: 我們必需談談我們的攻擊計劃,一起來了解(攻擊計劃)的一切。

General B: Sure, we need to be on the same page!  There is no room for mistake.  
將軍B: 當然,我們必需得有共識!這將沒有錯誤的空間。

Example 2:

George: Sorry, I don’t think I can finish it on time.
喬治: 對不起,我不認為我可以準時完成。

Jim: C’mon!  We have gone over about this, finishing it on time is a must for this project.  Do we need to get on the same page again?!
金: 天啊!我們已經談過這個了,準時完成是這個企劃的必需。我們是不是要再建立共識一次?!

not on the same page 雞且鴨講


